
Fractal is an educational model that tries to respond to the new learning contexts in which we find ourselves, which are characterized by the need to learn and update knowledge continuously and constantly and with the opportunity to access a large number of options for learning and training through the use of technologies, computer networks and digital environments, among others. The fractal model considers four interrelated elements but one element particularly stands out; it is the curriculum based on concepts that allows to expand and integrate different areas of knowledge to a specific, initial perspective. In addition, Fractal presents aspects that can be linked to connectivism and rhizomatic learning, through a concrete proposal of flexible learning design, which can be useful for formal and non-formal courses. The following Master’s program at the University of La Sabana, in Colombia, presents an experience applying the model in a close context (https://www.unisabana.edu.co/programas/posgrados/centro-de-tecnologias-para-la-academia/maestria-en-innovacion-educativa-mediada-por-tic-virtual/nuestro-programa/).

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