
The household environment is vulnerable to domestic accidents,underscoring the necessity of possessing fundamental expertise in firstaid as the primary approach to addressing such incidents beforesubsequent medical interventions. Insufficient attention to this primarymeasure can result in more severe injuries. Notably, a deficiency existsin targeted interventions that aim to enhance the elderly population'scomprehension of strategies to prevent and treat domestic accidents.Two approaches have been implemented to tackle this issue andaugment the elderly population's understanding. These methodsencompass educational lectures and practical demonstrations tailoredto seniors, specifically focusing on preventing and treating domesticaccidents. As a result, there is observable enhancement in knowledgeafter the provision of information through community health educationinitiatives. Preceding the dissemination of insights into injuryprevention and treatment among the elderly, knowledge distribution iscategorized: % categorized as 'good,' reflecting a high level of knowledge;% as 'sufficient,' indicating a moderate level; and % as 'less,'representing a lower level of knowledge. A noticeable increase isobserved upon sharing the information, with % rise in 'good' categories,a corresponding % increase of 'sufficient' categories, while the 'less'category remains unchanged. The findings indicate increasedunderstanding among the elderly concerning injury prevention andtreatment of domestic accidents

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