
Traffic accidents are serious public health problems, account for profound economic costs to individuals, families, and societies. The social impacts range from physiological to economic causes, which could be a serious negative effect, especially in undeveloped countries. To further elucidate this problem, the prevalence of injuries caused by traffic accidents in a Santa Ana Health Centre, Portoviejo, Ecuador, was studied. This registry-based retrospective study analyzed data on Santa Ana, from Enero 2016 to Diciembre 2019, and the medical records of patients who had been admitted were extracted and analyzed. Passengers cars, motorcycles, and bicycles involved in collisions were included, and the information collected was relating to sex, age, and type of injuries. In total, 75%±6.34 patients victims of road traffic injuries were males, and their mean age was 20 and 49 years. There was a cooperative agreement between total injury occurrence (%) and type of vehicle. Bus and car accidents had lower relation (R2 = 0.44, 078) (p = 0.063, 0.005) with total occurrence. The highest relation was found in motorbikes (R2 = 0.98 p = 2e-05), since it's the primary or most popular means of transportation in the city. The best of our knowledge is the first study to reporting data on road traffic injuries in the Province of Manabí, the third-largest province in extension in Ecuador. Additional studies with larger populations are thus necessary to construct a robust data system in undeveloped countries that can facilitate the flow of reliable information about road traffic injuries.

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