
What is the pattern of injuries among non-fatal cases of road traffic accidents? To study the pattern of injuries among non-fatal cases of road traffic accidents. Cross-sectional study. Nagpur, a city in central India. 423 non-fatal cases of road traffic accidents reporting for treatment to Indira Gandhi Medical College, Nagpur during 1999-2000. Demographic characteristics, accident characteristics. Percentages, proportions, Chi-square test. Out of total 423 subjects, 363 (85.8%) were male while only 60 (14.2%) were female subjects. Majority of the victims (75%) were in the age group 18- 37 years. Sideways collision was the most common type of accident seen in 269 (63.59%) cases. Two wheelers and LMV were the common vehicle being involved in accidents (69.97%) and these accidents were almost equally distributed in both half of the day. Fracture of the bones was the common injury afflicted to the victims followed by multiple injuries like blunt injury, abrasions and lacerations. Lower extremity was involved in 192 (45.39%) cases while multiple sites were affected in 114 (26.95%) cases. In the present study, the fractures were the commonest injury among the victims of non-fatal road traffic accidents.

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