
Background: The vestibulocerebellar tract (VCT) is responsible for maintaining balance, spatial orientation, and coordination. Damage to the vestibular system is accompanied by symptoms of balance disorder or ataxia. This study aimed to compare cerebellar dysfunction according to VCT damage in patients with cerebellar stroke. Methods: Six patients with cerebellum injury were recruited. This study measured ataxia and hand function related to visuomotor integration and manual dexterity using the Purdue pegboard test. The primary and bilateral secondary VCTs were reconstructed to investigate the integrity of pathways using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Results: The ataxia sign was positive in five patients (83%) at onset. In the result of the pegboard test, all patients had hand dysfunction in the dominant hand (100%). Likewise, all patients also had non-dominant hand dysfunction (100%). On the DTI tractography, the left and right primary VCTs of the patients demonstrated a 25% injury rate. Furthermore, the injury rates of ipsilateral and contralateral secondary VCTs were 50% and 58%. Conclusions: Ataxia is related to secondary VCTs, and hand dysfunction is also related to VCTs. Therefore, we believe that the current study will be helpful in evaluating and providing a clinical intervention strategy for patients with ataxia and hand dysfunction following cerebellar injury.

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