
Injective modules are considered over commutative domains. It is shown that every injective module admits a decomposition into two summands, where one of the summands contains an essential submodule whose elements have divisorial annihilator ideals, while the other summand contains no element with divisorial annihilator. In the special case of Mori domains (i.e., the divisorial ideals satisfy the maximum condition), the first summand is a direct sum of a S-injective module and a module that has no such summand. The former is a direct sum of indecomposable injectives, while the latter is the injective hull of such a direct sum. Those Mori domains R are characterized for which the injective hull of Q/R is S-injective (Q denotes the field of quotients of R) as strong Mori domains, correcting a false claim in the literature.

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