
Recent demonstration of efficient transport and manipulation of spin information by magnon currents has opened exciting prospects for processing information in devices. Magnon currents can be excited in magnetic insulators by applying charge currents in an adjacent metal layer. Here, by implementing a non-local device scheme, we study the magnon diffusion length (MDL) for electrically and thermally excited magnon currents in Y3Fe5O12 (YIG) and Tm3Fe5O12 (TmIG) [1,2]. In contrast to earlier reports, our temperature and thickness-dependence studies reveal that the MDL depends on the way the magnon currents are generated, evidencing that magnons of different energies are excited (sub-thermal and thermal for electrically- and thermally-driven magnon currents, respectively) [1]. At room temperature, the MDL in YIG is ~9 μm for thermally excited magnons, which is almost twice the value extracted from those excited electrically. This difference gradually decreases as temperature decreases, which is consistent with the expected convergence of the excited magnon distributions at low temperatures. Moreover, we demonstrate that the MDL of thermally induced magnons in YIG is the same regardless of the film thickness and growth conditions, evidencing the robustness of the measurement method to reliably extract the intrinsic MDL.We find the MDL of perpendicularly magnetized TmIG films to be ~300 nm [2]. The shorter diffusion length of TmIG compared to YIG is attributed to the larger Gilbert damping of TmIG (α~0.01) and the vertical confinement of the magnon modes for ultrathin films. Besides, we investigate the magnetic field dependence of the MDL and analyse it in terms of a modified magnon diffusion equation considering a linear with field enhancement of the magnon damping. We also demonstrate that the non-local thermal signals are dominated by diverse thermoelectric effects of magnetic and spin origin occurring at the detector electrode, and provide a guide on how to disentangle thermally-induced diffusive magnon transport signals from those originated by thermoelectric effects. Finally, by employing a third gate electrode, we demonstrate current-induced modulation of the magnon conductivity in TmIG. The possibility of combining magnon transport in perpendicularly magnetized layers with other device functionalities such as current-induced switching and wall motion [3] open prospects for novel spintronic devices concepts. **

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