
DMPA and MPA/E2C contraception offer women safe, effective, convenient, and reversible birth control choices. The use of DMPA, a 3-month injectable, is characteristically associated with amenorrhea. Lactating women and women in whom contraceptive doses of estrogen are contraindicated can use this progestin-only birth control method. Return of fertility can be delayed in women discontinuing DMPA to become pregnant. In some cases, the use of DMPA also confers important noncontraceptive and therapeutic benefits. A monthly estrogen/progestin injectable contraceptive, MPA/E2C should appeal to women who are concerned about daily pill taking, who prefer regular cycles to amenorrhea, and who find monthly injections acceptable and accessible. As is true for oral contraceptives, MPA/E2C represents an appropriate choice for women who prefer a rapidly reversible contraceptive. Currently, the proposed contraindications for MPA/E2C parallel those for combined oral contraceptives. As MPA/E2C contraception becomes available for American women, clinicians will learn how to best include this new method among the array of contraceptive choices. By individualizing contraceptive selection, counseling, and management approaches based on the relevant behavioral and medical considerations reviewed herein, clinicians can maximize their patients' success with injectable contraceptives. The more innovative that clinicians, family planning agencies, and insurers are in facilitating access to care (including reinjections), the more women will be able to avail themselves of safe, effective, and reversible methods of contraception. In addition to the physician's office or health clinic, other sites at which women might receive contraceptive injections include employee health clinics, college health clinics, or perhaps the pharmacy where the prescription is filled. Self-administration may become an appropriate option for some users of injectable contraception.

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