
The characteristics of debris flows (e.g., velocity, discharge, kinematic energy) are highly dependent on surges incurring abrupt changes to flow height, velocity, and boulder concentration. Therefore, understanding the initiation and runout characteristics of surges is essential when planning debris flow mitigation. Monitoring performed using 10 time-lapse cameras (TLCs) in Ohya landslide, central Japan, where debris flows occur frequently due to mobilization of storage (i.e., talus cone and channel deposits), allowed us to obtain data on a series of surge processes, from initiation to termination, which occurred during each debris flow event. We also analyzed temporal changes in the spatial distribution of storage in the debris flow initiation zone, associated with sediment supply from hillslopes and evacuation of sediment by the occurrence of debris flows, through periodic measurements of topography using unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs). Debris flow surges were mainly induced by repetitive mass movement of storage through the erosion of channel deposits by overland flow, sliding of channel deposits, and sediment and water supply from channel banks and tributaries. Development of a spontaneous wave on the flow surface was not an important formation process of surges in the Ohya landslide. Many debris flow surges initiated at channel sections with deep storage (>2 m in depth), located <30 m below a junction with a tributary, when the maximum 10-min rainfall intensity exceeded 5 mm. Partly saturated flow, which has an unsaturated layer in its upper part, was the predominant flow type in the steep initiation zone, while fully saturated flow was predominant in the gentle transportation and deposition zones. Flow type often changed as the surges descended. Partly saturated flow was predominant when the volume of storage in the initiation zone was large, whereas fully saturated flow was predominant when the volume of storage was small. When we compared debris flows with similar total sediment volume, travel distance was long when fully saturated flow with high flow mobility was predominant because of the small volume of storage in the initiation zone. The volume of storage also affected flow path avulsion on the debris flow fan by controlling the flow mobility of surges. Consequently, the spatial distribution and total volume of storage are important factors controlling the initiation location, predominant flow type, and termination location of surges.

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