
Although malaria is a growing problem affecting several hundred million people each year, many malarial countries lack successful disease control programs. Worldwide malaria incidence rates are dramatically increasing, generating fear among many people who are witnessing malaria control initiatives fail. In this paper, we explore two options for malaria control in poor countries: (1) the production and distribution of a malaria vaccine and (2) the control of mosquitoes that harbor the malaria parasite. We first demonstrate that the development of a malaria vaccine is indeed likely, although it will take several years to produce because of both biological obstacles and insufficient research support. The distribution of such a vaccine, as suggested by some economists, will require that wealthy states promise a market to pharmaceutical companies who have traditionally failed to investigate diseases affecting the poorest of nations. But prior to the development of a malaria vaccine, we recommend the implementation of vector control pro- grams, such as those using Bti toxin, in regions with low vector capacity. Our analysis indicates that both endogenous programs in malarial regions and molecular approaches to parasite control will provide pragmatic solutions to the malaria problem. But the successful control of malaria will require sustained support from wealthy nations, without whom vaccine development and vector control programs will likely fail.

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