
Wireless Body Area Networks (WBANs) are a promising technology for medical purposes. Currently the WBAN are classified into: implanted (in-), surface (on-) or outside (off-) body communications regarding the location of the devices with reference to the human body. The Ultra Wide-Band (UWB) frequency band is growing as a band of interest for implanted communications because of its high data rate and low power consumption among other benefits. Software simulations, in-vivo measurements and experimental phantom measurements are common methods to properly characterize the propagation channel. Nevertheless, up to now, experimental phantoms measurements presented in the literature show some inconveniences, i.e., the accuracy of the phantoms compared with the real human tissues or the testbed used for the measurements. This paper aims at overcoming these issues using accurate phantoms designed for the purpose of implanted communications in the UWB frequency band. In addition, a multilayer phantom container was developed. This container has capacity for two different phantoms, emulating a heterogeneous propagation medium for in-body measurements. Moreover, a novel setup was built for in-body phantom measurements. As a result, an experimental path loss model is presented from the measurements obtained with phantoms. Besides, software simulations mimicking the experimental setup are performed in order to validate the previous results obtained.

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