
AbstractThe Oman Drilling Project “Multi‐Borehole Observatory” (MBO) samples an area of active weathering of tectonically exposed peridotite. This article reviews the geology of the MBO region, summarizes recent research, and provides new data constraining ongoing alteration. Host rocks are partially to completely serpentinized, residual mantle harzburgites, and replacive. Dunites show evidence for “reactive fractionation,” in which cooling, crystallizing magmas reacted with older residues of melting. Harzburgites and dunites are 65%–100% hydrated. Ferric to total iron ratios vary from 50% to 90%. In Hole BA1B, alteration extent decreases with depth. Gradients in water and core composition are correlated. Serpentine veins are intergrown with, and cut, carbonate veins with measurable14C. Ongoing hydration is accompanied by SiO2addition. Sulfur enrichment in Hole BA1B may result from oxidative leaching of sulfur from the upper 30 m, coupled with sulfate reduction and sulfide precipitation at 30–150 m. Oxygen fugacity deep in Holes BA3A, NSHQ14, and BA2A is fixed by the reaction 2H2O = 2H2 + O2combined with oxidation of ferrous iron in serpentine, brucite, and olivine. fO2deep in Holes BA1A, BA1D, and BA4A is 3–4 log units above the H2O‐H2limit, controlled by equilibria involving serpentine and brucite. Variations in alteration are correlated with texture, with reduced, low SiO2assemblages in mesh cores recording very low water/rock ratios, juxtaposed with adjacent veins recording much higher ratios. The proportion of reduced mesh cores versus oxidized veins increases with depth, and the difference in fO2recorded in cores and veins decreases with depth.

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