
The population of the endangered Cape Cormorant Phalacrocorax capensis more than halved over the last three decades (BirdLife International 2018a). In January 2021, nearly 2 000 Cape Cormorant chicks were found abandoned, suffering from dehydration and heat stress, at two important nesting sites. The chicks were rescued and rehabilitated by the Southern African Foundation for the Conservation of Coastal Birds (SANCCOB, Cape Town, South Africa). About half (53.7%) of the cormorant chicks were successfully rehabilitated and released back into the breeding colonies. This study found a direct link between the initial body mass of cormorant chicks admitted to the rehabilitation centre and their probability of surviving during rehabilitation, with birds that were initially heavier having a greater probability of eventual release. Most cormorant chicks that died (80.7%) did so within the first 5 days of admission. This rescue required SANCCOB to care for and rehabilitate the largest number of Cape Cormorant chicks that has ever been admitted to its rehabilitation centre at one time, making it the first rescue of its kind. Despite the presumably limited positive impact on overall population numbers of Cape Cormorants, the rescue campaign improved SANCCOB’s preparedness to respond successfully to future disaster events and to deal with different species, both locally and globally.

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