
Notes are given on the presence and distribution of reef fishes at Henderson Island (24°21'S, 128°19'W) from two separate visits in 1971 and 1991. Limited collections were made in 1971, whilst 1991 records are based on confirmed sightings andin situphotographs. 183 species from 49 families are listed, with museum numbers and lengths being given for collected specimens. This is thought to represent 80–90% of species present. The family with the greatest representation is the Labridae with 21 species. Only 31% of species appear to be shared with neighbouring Ducie Atoll, 390 km to the east, from where 138 species have been recorded, though this low percentage may simply reflect the greater recording effort undertaken at Henderson. Levels of endemism in the Pitcairn Group as a whole appear low (<2%).

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