
We have identified a mutant of pea cultivar Alaska that has many of the characteristics normally associated with light-grown seedlings even when grown in complete darkness. We have designated this mutant lip1, for light independent photomorphogenesis. Etiolated wild-type pea seedlings are white to slightly yellow in color and have a distinct morphology characterized by elongated epicotyls and buds containing unexpanded leaves with small, undifferentiated cells. In contrast, mutant seedlings grown under the same conditions are yellow in color and have short epicotyls and expanded leaves showing clear cellular differentiation. Transmission electron microscopy revealed partially developed, agranal plastids in the dark-grown mutant, unlike wild-type seedlings that contain etioplasts with prolamellar bodies. The mutant also exhibits a much shorter lag period for chlorophyll accumulation when etiolated seedlings are transferred from darkness to white light. The dark-grown mutant has 10-fold less spectrally detectable phytochrome, which can be attributed to a 10-fold reduction in the level of the PHYA polypeptide. Cab, Fed1, and RbcS transcripts are present in dark-grown mutant seedlings at levels comparable to those produced in light-grown material. The levels of these transcripts show a normal decrease when green plants grown for 15 days in a light/dark cycle are transferred to continuous darkness. However, transcript levels remain high during dark treatment of seedlings grown for 9 days in continuous light, indicating that the dark adaptation response in this mutant is developmentally plastic. The lip1 mutant has several features in common with the deetiolated Arabidopsis mutants det1, det2, and cop1. However, there are also several important differences, including varying effects on phytochrome levels, organ-specific gene expression, plastid development, and response to dark adaptation.

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