
Key components of CEED software development involve fast finite element operator storage and evaluation, architecture optimizations, performant algorithms for all orders, global kernels for finite element operators, efficient use of the memory sub-system, optimal data locality and motion, enhanced scalability and parallelism, and fast tensor contractions. As ultimate goals of the project, CEED is exploring and identifying the best algorithms for the full range of discretizations and applying algorithmic and software development to support ECP applications’ needs. In this milestone, we initiated the development and implementation of a common CEED API consisting of two main components: low-level and high-level APIs. We accomplished the goal of having the low-level component ready for the release of CEED v1.0 in the next quarter, see CEED-MS13. In this report we also provide a highlight from CEED’s integration with the MARBL app and the corresponding Laghos miniapp. A main theme in this work has been the systematic transition of advanced algorithms, developed and tested in Laghos, to the large-scale multi-physics settings of the MARBL code. The low-level CEED API provides a set of FE kernels and components for writing new low-level kernels. Examples include: vector and sparse linear algebra, element matrix assembly over a batch of elements, partial assembly and action for efficient high-order operators like mass, diffusion, advection, etc. The main goal of the low-level API is to establish the basis for the high-level API. Also, identifying such low-level kernels and providing a reference implementation for them serves as the basis for collaboration with vendors and STs. Another goal for the low-level API is to make it easy for applications with their own discretization infrastructure, who do not want to switch directly to using the high-level CEED API, to still evaluate and use the core operations provided by the low-level API. One of the challenges with high-order methods is that a global sparse matrix is no longer a good representation of a high-order linear operator, both with respect to the FLOPs needed for its evaluation, as well as the memory transfer needed for a matvec. Thus, another important question we tried to address while developing the low-level API is: is it possible to abstract out in a natural and efficient way the different implementations and data structures that arise when dealing with various computational device types: CPUs, GPUs, etc. Fully answering this question is beyond the scope of this particular milestone, since that requires longer time as we develop and expand the devices we support. The future high-level API will be the frontend provided by CEED consisting of high-level abstractions such as meshes, finite element spaces and solutions, bilinear forms, solvers, etc. At this high-level, an important aspect of the API will be to provide a uniform abstraction layer for writing code in a portable manner. To achieve that, we plan to utilize the MPI programming model combined with a device abstraction layer (DAL) for finite element computations that we will develop. The DAL will serve as the bridge between the low- and the high-level APIs, allowing a variety of programming models to be used for the low-level kernel implementations. The software artifacts delivered as part of this milestone include an initial CEED API software implementation (libCEED) provided through the CEED website, http://ceed.exascaleproject.org and the CEED GitHub organization, http://github.com/ceed. In addition to details and results from the above R&D efforts, in this document we are also reporting on other project-wide activities performed in Q1 of FY18, including: the Nek5000 v17.0 MFEM v3.3.2 and PETSc v3.8 releases, collaborations with ECP/ST and SciDAC projects, the inaugural Nek5000 hackathon and various outreach activities.

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