
Abstract Initial-boundary value problems for the one-dimensional linear advection–dispersion equation with decay (LAD) are studied by utilizing a unified method, known as the Fokas method. The method takes advantage of the spectral analysis of both parts of Lax pair and the global algebraic relation coupling all initial and boundary values. We present the explicit analytical solution of the LAD equation posed on the half line and a finite interval with general initial and boundary conditions. In addition, for the case of periodic boundary conditions, we show that the solution of the LAD equation is asymptotically t-periodic for large t if the Dirichlet boundary datum is periodic in t. Furthermore, it can be shown that if the Dirichlet boundary value is asymptotically periodic for large t, then so is the unknown Neumann boundary value, which is uniquely characterized in terms of the given asymptotically periodic Dirichlet boundary datum. The analytical predictions for large t are compared with numerical results showing the excellent agreement.

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