
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative brain disorder associated with dysfunction of the basal ganglia (BG) circuitry. Dopamine (DA) depletion in experimental PD models leads to the pathological strengthening of pallido-subthalamic synaptic connections, contributing to the emergence of abnormally synchronized neuronal activity in the external segment of the globus pallidus (GPe) and subthalamic nucleus (STN). Augmented GPe-STN transmission following loss of DA was attributed to heterosynaptic plasticity mechanisms induced by cortico-subthalamic inputs. However, synaptic plasticity may play a role in this process. Here, by employing computational modeling we show that assuming inhibitory spike-timing-dependent plasticity (iSTDP) at pallido-subthalamic synapses can account for pathological strengthening of pallido-subthalamic synapses in PD by further promoting correlated neuronal activity in the GPe-STN network. In addition, we show that GPe-STN transmission delays can shape bistable activity-connectivity states due to iSTDP, characterized by strong connectivity and strong synchronized activity (pathological states) as opposed to weak connectivity and desynchronized activity (physiological states). Our results may shed light on how abnormal reshaping of GPe-STN connectivity by synaptic plasticity during parkinsonism is related to the PD pathophysiology and contribute to the development of therapeutic brain stimulation techniques targeting plasticity-induced rewiring of network connectivity.

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