
Respiration and the whole-body withdrawal are two incompatible behaviors in the freshwater snail Lymnaea stagnalis. Whole-body withdrawal behavior is believed to be higher on the behavioral hierarchy than respiratory behavior. A central pattern generator (CPG) underlies respiratory behavior; whole-body withdrawal is mediated by a network of electrically coupled neurons. In this study, we provide evidence that the behavioral hierarchy between the whole-body withdrawal and the respiratory behaviors is established at the interneuronal level. We demonstrate that an identified whole-body withdrawal interneuron inhibits both muscular and neuronal components of the respiratory behavior in Lymnaea stagnalis. A pair of identified, electrically coupled interneurons, termed left and right pedal dorsal 11 (L/RPeD11), coordinates the whole-body withdrawal behavior in Lymnaea stagnalis. In the present study, RPeD11 inhibited spontaneously occurring respiratory CPG activity in isolated brain preparations. In addition, electrical stimulation of RPeD11 in a semi-intact preparation also inhibited respiratory CPG interneuron RPeD1. The synaptic connections between RPeD11 and the respiratory CPG neurons RPeD1 and visceral dorsal 4 (VD4) persisted in the presence of high-Ca2+/high-Mg2+ saline, suggesting the possibility that they may be monosynaptic. In a semi-intact preparation (lung­mantle, pneumostome and central nervous system), electrical stimulation of RPeD11 induced pneumostome and columellar muscle contractions while inhibiting the activity of RPeD1. Moreover, mechanical stimulation of the respiratory orifice, the pneumostome, excited RPeD11, while its effects on the respiratory CPG neuron (RPeD1) were inhibitory. To determine the monosynaptic nature of connections between RPeD11 and the respiratory CPG neurons in the intact nervous system, we constructed these synapses in culture. RPeD11 and individual respiratory interneurons were isolated from their respective ganglia and co-cultured under conditions that support neurite outgrowth. Following neuritic overlap, RPeD11 was found to establish inhibitory synapses with the respiratory interneurons, supporting the hypothesis that these synaptic connections are likely to be monosynaptic in the intact central nervous system.

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