
Glucocorticoids (GC ) have been an integral component of the treatment of leukemias and lymphomas for several decades. Specific cytotoxic effect of GC on transformed lymphoblasts mediates their use at the stage of the remission induction as well as consolidation of treatment. However, the main problem of the long-term GC use is the development of atrophic and metabolic side effects as well as GC resistance. The biological effects of GC are realized via activation of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) by two mechanisms: transrepression (TR) associated with the therapeutic effects of GC , and transactivation (TA ), which mediates the development of metabolic and atrophic complications. It was demonstrated that an increase in the expression of the GC - dependent gene REDD1 associated with GC -induced skin, muscle and bone atrophy of the skin, muscle and bone tissue was realized via the induction of transactivation. Therefore, identification of potential inhibitors of REDD1 expression and study of their biological effects in combination with GC in models of leukemia and lymphoma is of particular interest. In our recent study we have selected a number of drugs from the class of PI 3K/Akt/mTO R modulators using bioinformatic screening. These drugs effectively inhibited REDD1 expression, modulated GR activity and shifted it towards transrepression, and prevented the development of GC -induced side effects in mice. Here we aimed to study the effects of potential inhibitors of REDD1 expression from different pharmacological groups, the compounds Emetine and CGP -60474, on leukemia and lymphoma cells in combination with GC . We demonstrated antitumor effect of the compounds in vitro, a decrease in the expression of TA -associated genes and an increase in TR induction. Further studies of the antitumor effects of REDD1 expression inhibitors (Emetine and CGP -60474 is a promising area of research.


  • Отдельную роль в реализации GC-опосредованных метаболических и атрофических нарушений играет ген REDD1, консервативный GR-зависимый ген, белковый продукт которого ингибирует пролиферативный комплекс mTOR [5, 6]

  • The biological effects of GC are realized via activation of the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) by two mechanisms: transrepression (TR) associated with the therapeutic effects of GC, and transactivation (TA), which mediates the development of metabolic and atrophic complications

  • Identification of potential inhibitors of REDD1 expression and study of their biological effects in combination with GC in models of leukemia and lymphoma is of particular interest

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В данной работе с помощью биоинформатического скрининга были отобраны новые перспективные ингибиторы экспрессии REDD1, не относящиеся к классу ингибиторов PI3K/Akt/ mTOR: антипротозойное средство эметин и ингибитор протеинкиназы С CGP-60474 Затем клетки обрабатывали 1 мкМ эметина или CGP-60474, 10 мМ Dex, их комбинацией или растворителем, инкубировали в течение 24 ч. По результатам Q-PCR эметин и CGP-60474 статистически значимо снижали базальный и GC-индуцированный уровень экспрессии REDD1, что подтверждает их ингибирующее действие в отношении данного гена Цитотоксичность оценивали методом прямого подсчета клеток в камере Горяева. На клетках линии Granta наблюдали слабый кооперативный эффект эметина и CGP-60474 в комбинации с дексаметазоном (Dex) 3) С помощью проточной цитофлуориметрии для линии Granta было показано увеличение SubG1популяции клеток, что свидетельствует об индукции апоптоза. Эффект наблюдали как для ингибиторов экспрессии REDD1 при индивидуальной обработке, так и при использовании их комбинации с

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