
Over the past 10 years many studies from several laboratories defined anticarcinogenic and anti-inflammatory effects of tea, a widely consumed beverage by the human population. Much of such work has been conducted with green tea or its polyphenolic constituents. Regarding black tea, studies have shown that its water extract affords protection against tumor promotion caused by chemical carcinogens or ultraviolet B radiation in murine skin carcinogenesis models. Several studies have shown that topical application of chemical tumor promoters to murine skin results in the induction of epidermal edema, hyperplasia and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) and cyclo-oxygenase activities, and interleukin-1 alpha (IL-1alpha) and ODC mRNA expression. In this study, we assessed whether topical application of polyphenols isolated from black tea leaves (hereafter referred to as BTP) mainly consisting of theaflavine gallates and (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate, inhibits phorbol ester tumor promoter 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA)-caused induction of these markers of inflammatory responses in murine skin. Topical application of BTP (6 mg in 0.2 ml acetone/animal) 30 min prior to TPA application on to the mouse skin resulted in significant inhibition against TPA-caused induction of epidermal edema (40%, P < 0.01), hyperplasia (57%, P < 0.005), leukocytes infiltration (50%), and induction of epidermal ODC (57%) and pro-inflammatory cytokine IL-1alpha mRNA expression (69%). Pre-application of BTP to that of TPA also resulted in significant inhibition of TPA-caused induction of epidermal ODC (23-73%, P < 0.005-0.0001), and cyclo-oxygenase, in terms of prostaglandins metabolites formation (38-65%, P < 0.01-0.0005), enzyme activities. Our data indicate that the inhibition of TPA-caused changes in these markers of inflammatory responses in murine skin by BTP may be one of the possible mechanisms of chemopreventive effects associated with black tea against tumorigenesis. The results of this study suggest that black tea, specifically polyphenols present therein, may be useful against cutaneous inflammatory responses in human population.

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