
Inhibition of masculine copulatory behavior was previously demonstrated following systemic injections of hydroxyflutamide (OHF). In the present study, we examined the localization of the effects of this androgen receptor blocker by direct intracranial implantation of OHF into the medial preoptic area (MPOA), ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus (VMN), medial amygdala (AME), and lateral septum (SEPT). Animals were implanted intracranially with crystalline OHF or cholesterol, and at the same time received two 10-mm testosterone-filled Silastic capsules SC. Tests for restoration of copulatory behavior were initiated 3 days later, and conducted twice weekly for 2 weeks. Implants of OHF into the MPOA were effective in preventing restoration of male sexual behavior. However, the most effective site was the VMN. Implants of OHF into the AME were only partially effective in stimulating male sexual behavior, whereas implants into the SEPT had no effect. The OHF was discontinued and 1 week later males were retested for sexual behavior. The majority of these animals ejaculated, indicating that the effects of OHF are reversible. The results of this study demonstrate that the functional integrity of androgen receptors in some, but not all, androgen-concentrating brain loci is necessary for the expression of the complete pattern of male sexual behavior. These data lend support to the view that androgen receptor populations in specific brain loci differentially express proteins involved in mediating the masculine copulatory response.

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