
The results of this study demonstrate the presence of suppressive factor(s) in the tissue culture supernatants of cloned and freshly explanted malignant glioma cells. Culture supernatants obtained from these glial cell lines were demonstrated to have potent suppressive activity as evidenced by their ability to inhibit the proliferative response of normal human peripheral blood lymphocytes induced by phytohemagglutinin and anti-OKT3 monoclonal antibodies. The results further demonstrate the existence of a dose-response relationship between these supernatants and inhibition of mitogen-induced lymphocyte activation. Maximum production of suppressive activity by glial tumor cells was dependent on: 1) the number of tumor cells seeded in culture, 2) whether fetal calf serum was present, and 3) the duration of culture. The production of the suppressive factor(s) was not inhibited by the addition of inhibitors of prostaglandin E synthesis. Experiments designed to determine at what time during lymphocyte activation the suppressive factor was most effective demonstrated that the culture supernatants must be added during the first 24 hours of culture to exhibit inhibitory properties. Finally, proliferation of both the T-helper and T-suppressor/cytotoxic subsets was equally well inhibited by the glial tumor cell culture supernatants.

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