
Cytidine 5′-triphosphate (CTP) synthase catalyzes the ATP-dependent formation of CTP from UTP using either ammonia or l-glutamine as the source of nitrogen. When glutamine is the substrate, GTP is required as a positive allosteric effector to promote catalysis of glutamine hydrolysis. We show that at concentrations exceeding ∼0.15 mM, GTP actually behaves as a negative allosteric effector of E. coli CTP synthase, inhibiting glutamine-dependent CTP formation. In addition, GTP inhibits NH3-dependent CTP formation in a concentration-dependent manner. However, GTP does not inhibit the enzyme's intrinsic glutaminase activity. Although the activation of CTP synthase by GTP does not display cooperative behavior, inhibition of both CTP synthase-catalyzed ammonia- and glutamine-dependent CTP synthesis by GTP do exhibit positive cooperativity. These results suggest that GTP binding affects CTP synthase catalysis in two ways: it activates enzyme-catalyzed glutamine hydrolysis and it inhibits the utilization of NH3 as a substrate by the synthase domain.

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