
Crosstalk between thyrotropin (TSH) receptors and insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1) receptors initiated by activation of TSH receptors could be important in the development of Graves' ophthalmopathy (GO). Specifically, TSH receptor activation alone is sufficient to stimulate hyaluronic acid (HA) secretion, a major component of GO, through both IGF-1 receptor-dependent and -independent pathways. Although an anti-IGF-1 receptor antibody is in clinical trials, its effectiveness depends on the relative importance of IGF-1 versus TSH receptor signalling in GO pathogenesis. TSH and IGF-1 receptor antagonists were used to probe TSH/IGF-1 receptor crosstalk in primary cultures of Graves' orbital fibroblasts (GOFs) following activation with monoclonal TSH receptor antibody, M22. Inhibition of HA secretion following TSH receptor stimulation was measured by modified HA elisa. TSH receptor antagonist, ANTAG3 (NCGC00242364), inhibited both IGF-1 receptor -dependent and -independent pathways at all doses of M22; whereas IGF-1 receptor antagonists linsitinib and 1H7 (inhibitory antibody) lost efficacy at high M22 doses. Combining TSH and IGF-1 receptor antagonists exhibited Loewe additivity within the IGF-1 receptor-dependent component of the M22 concentration-response. Similar effects were observed in GOFs activated by autoantibodies from GO patients' sera. Our data support TSH and IGF-1 receptors as therapeutic targets for GO, but reveal putative conditions for anti-IGF-1 receptor resistance. Combination treatments antagonizing both receptors yield additive effects by inhibiting crosstalk triggered by TSH receptor stimulatory antibodies. Combination therapy may be an effective strategy for dose reduction and/or compensate for any loss of anti-IGF-1 receptor efficacy.

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