
Abstract- The aim of this work is to study the inhibitory effect of some Moroccan medicinal plants: parsley, nettle, oregano and corn beard on the crystallization of oxalocalcium urinary stones under experimental conditions which simu l a t e t h e u ri n a r y e n v ir o nme n t (physiological concentrations in calcium and oxalate, temperature and pH). The experimental tests were followed by the turbidimetric method using UV-Visible Model SP8-400 spectrophotometry, the response of which restores the concentration of calcium oxalate. The results showed that the potassium and magnesium ions which constitute the main elements of these plants compete with the calcium ions in order to combine with the oxalate ions. All the competitive reactions reflecting the affinities of the different ions towards each other contribute to the observed overall inhibition of the crystallization of calcium oxalate. Keywords: Crystallization, Urinary Calculus, Calcium oxalate, Inhibition, Moroccan Medicinal Plants

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