
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is a near ubiquitous herpesvirus that relies on host cell metabolism for efficient replication. Although it has been shown that HCMV requires functional host cell mitochondria for efficient replication, it is unknown whether mitochondrial targeted pharmacological agents can be repurposed as antivirals. Here we report that treatment with drugs targeting the electron transport chain (ETC) complexes inhibit HCMV replication. Addition of rotenone, oligomycin, antimycin and metformin resulted in decreased HCMV titers in vitro, independent of HCMV strain. This further illustrates the dependence of HCMV replication on functional mitochondria. Metformin, an FDA approved drug, delays HCMV replication kinetics resulting in a reduction of viral titers. Repurposing metformin as an antiviral is advantageous as its safety profile and epidemiological data are well accepted. Our findings provide new insight into the potential for targeting HCMV infection through host cell metabolism and how these pharmacological interventions function.

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