
Aim of this s tudy was to determine the inheritance and linkage of six contrasting traits in Pisum sativum F 1 and F 2 generation, and to select high yielding powdery mildew resistant lines in F 3 generation. Two isogenic lines Falloner and 11760-3ER were selected crossed. All the traits in F 2 segregants, showed 3:1 ratio, which was fit for goodness by χ2 (p >0.07) method and indicates monogenic inheritance. Anthocyanin pigmentation linked with flower colour with likely hood ratio 44.31 and with seed colour at 34.91. While tendril type linked with number of leaflet per leaf at likely hood ratio 33.21. All the three linked qualitative traits were highly significantly correlated at P<0.00. None of the qualitative trait was linked to powdery mildew disease. In F3 generation four yields contributing quantitative traits were studied. Among the quantitative traits, total pod weight (49.77%) and number of seeds/pod (20.01%) showed maximum level of coefficient of variation. In correlation studies, total pod weight pods was high significantly positively correlated with seed weight, pod width, pod length, number of seed/pod. Similarly, pod length was highly positively significantly correlated with number of seeds/pod. Based on yield contributing traits and powdery mildew resistance three lines GN070140-2, GN070143-1 GN070140-0 was selecte d, which could use as cultivar in future.

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