
Dopamine plays important roles in implicit memory and motivation of behavior. Environmental inputs can produce transgenerational epigenetic changes. This concept also includes the uterus: experimentally, we sought to create hyper-dopaminergic uterine conditions through ineffective dopamine-transporter (DAT) protein, obtained by inserting a stop-codon into the SLC6A3 gene. By crossing WT-dam with KO-sire (or vice-versa), we obtained a 100% DAT-heterozygous (HET) offspring with known derivation of the wild allele: MAT rats are offspring of WT-female and KO-male; PAT rats are offspring of KO-female and WT-male. We reconstructed inheritance of alleles, by crossing PAT-male with MAT-female or vice-versa, obtaining GIX (PAT-male with MAT-female) and DIX (MAT-male with PAT-female) rats (such offspring present specular paths in allele inheritance from grandparents). We conducted three experiments: first, we assessed maternal behaviour (four epigenotypes: WT, MAT, PAT and WHZ=HET-pups fostered-to-a WT-dam); in the second, we analysed sleep-wake cycles of GIX and DIX epigenotypes with their WIT siblings as controls; in the third, we explored the impact of WT or MAT mother on WT or HET pups. MAT-dams (with GIX-pups) express excessive licking/grooming. However, in the mere presence of “sick” epigenotype, PAT-dams (with DIX-pups) and also WHZ (i.e., WT-dams but with HET-pups) expressed greater nest-building care towards the offspring, compared to “true-wild” litters (WT-dams with WT-pups). In Exp. 2 at adolescence, GIX epigenotype showed locomotor hyperactivity during late waking-phase, while DIX epigenotype exhibited pronounced hypoactivity compared to controls. In Exp. 3, we confirmed that HET adolescent pups receiving cares from a MAT-dam may develop additional hyperactivity when awake, but additional hypoactivity during rest-hours. Thus, behavioral changes observed in DAT-heterozygous offspring have opposite courses based on of DAT-allele inheritance from a grandparent through the sire or the dam. In conclusion, behavioural changes in the offspring have antithetic courses with respect to inheritance of DAT-allele via sperm or egg.

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