
Haploid gynogenesis was induced in Siberian sturgeon (Acipenser baeri Brandt) using UV-irradiated bester (hybrid of Huso huso L. and Acipenser ruthenus L.) sperm. The inactivated heterologous sperm was used successfully to produce gynogenetic haploids of Siberian sturgeon. All haploid progeny were screened using microsatellite DNA analysis and uniparental transmission in gynogenetic haploids was con¢rmed. The objective of this study was to obtain haploids of Siberian sturgeon and describe the inheritance of microsatellite loci in haploid embryos of this species. This initial work, based on inheritance in haploid Siberian sturgeon, suggests that three studied microsatellite loci segregate disomically, three tetrasomically and one octasomically.

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