
The supernumerary spikelet character of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) is an abnormal spike with extra spikelet per spike. Supernumerary spikelet line 51885 was derived from the cross between octoploid Triticale and common wheat Fei 5056. The number of spikelet is over 30, and supernumerary spikelet is genetically stable. The inheritance of supernumerary spikelets in the line 51885 was genetically analyzed by crossed with seven commercial cultivars of normal head type. The results indicated that supernumerary spikelet in the line 51885 was controlled by two dominant genes which shows complementary function. Transgressive segregation for increasing the number of spikelet were observed in the four crosses, suggesting the possibility of the presence of minor effect gene(s) or modification gene(s) affecting the expression of the supernumerary spikelet in addition to the two major dominant genes. The relatively simple inheritance, feature of dominance plus the stability of expression of supernumerary spikelet in the line 51885 indicate that line 51885 could be easily incorporated in high yield breeding program in common wheat.

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