
Data on birthweight, pre and post weaning growth rates and 150 day weight of 1058 Assaf (As), Booroola Merino (B) × As (F1), F1 × As ( 3 4 As ), As × F1 ( 3 4 As′ ), As × 3 4 As ( 7 8 As ) and B × F1 ( 3 4 B ) lambs were analyzed. Genotype, sex of lamb, genotype by sex interaction, crop, type of birth and sire within genotype had significantly ( P< 0.05) affected the different traits. Assaf lambs had the highest and 3 4 B lambs had the lowest birthweights. A negative relationship was found between the birthweight and the proportion of the Booroola blood in the lamb and its mother. As, F1, 3 4 As, 3 4 As′ and 7/8As ram lambs did not differ significantly ( P> 0.05) in their post weaning growth rate and in their 150 day weight. Similar situation was found among ewe lambs except for F1 ewe lambs which were significantly ( P< 0.05) smaller than Assaf ewe lambs at 150 days indicating sex linked effect on growth in the Booroola-Assaf crosses. The Assaf transmitted effects were positive and significant ( P< 0.05) for birthweight, post weaning growth and 150 day weight, and the Assaf maternal effect was positive and significant ( P< 0.001) for birthweight. Significant ( P< 0.001) heterosis was found for post weaning growth rate. Sex linked and recombination effects were significant ( P< 0.01) for pre weaning growth.

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