
view Abstract Citations (37) References (23) Co-Reads Similar Papers Volume Content Graphics Metrics Export Citation NASA/ADS Inherent Problems of Detonation Formation in the Cores of 4-8 M Stars Mazurek, T. J. ; Meier, David L. ; Wheeler, J. Craig Abstract A propagating detonation in a degenerate C/O core of 1.4 M0 may be self-consistent; however, its initiation for plausible configurations in the core is questionable. We argue that a detonation cannot form immediately upon carbon ignition for p > 10 g since the energy of the initial shock/burning front is limited to values well below that associated with a Chapman-Jouguet detonation. A portion of the core may be burned by repeated supersonic flashes which are controlled by the initial temperature structure. We find that while a series of such flashes may consume a core with an isothermal temperature distribution, such cannot be the case for the more realistic configuration with an adiabatic temperature gradient. In the latter case, rapid burning prior to hydrodynamic expansion occurs over no more than 10% of the core. Subject headings: nucleosynthesis - stars: interiors - stars: supernovae Publication: The Astrophysical Journal Pub Date: April 1977 DOI: 10.1086/155182 Bibcode: 1977ApJ...213..518M full text sources ADS |

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