
Induction and recovery from inhalation anesthesia of Dumeril's monitors (Varanus dumerili) using isoflurane, sevoflurane, and nitrous oxide (N2O) were characterized using a randomized crossover design. Mean times to induction for isoflurane in 100% oxygen (O2), sevoflurane in 100% O2, sevoflurane in 21% O2:79% nitrogen (N2; room air), and sevoflurane in 66% N2O:34% O2 were 13.00 +/- 4.55, 11.20 +/- 3.77, 10.40 +/- 2.50, and 9.40 +/- 2.80 min, respectively, at 26 degrees C (n = 10). Mask induction with sevoflurane was significantly faster than with isoflurane. There was no significant difference between the induction time for sevoflurane in O2 or in room air, but sevoflurane combined with N2O resulted in significantly faster inductions than were obtained with sevoflurane in 100% O2. All treatments resulted in a significantly higher respiratory rate than in undisturbed animals. There were no significant differences in respiratory rate among lizards receiving O2, isoflurane in 100% O2, sevoflurane in room air, and sevoflurane combined with N2O, but animals receiving sevoflurane in O2 had a lower respiratory rate than those receiving pure O2. The sequence of complete muscle relaxation during induction was consistent and not significantly different among the four treatments: front limbs lost tone first, followed by the neck and the hind limbs; then the righting reflex was lost and finally tail tone. There were no significant differences in recovery times between isoflurane and sevoflurane or between sevoflurane in 100% O2 and sevoflurane combined with N2O. Similar recovery times were observed in animals recovering in 100 and 21% O2.

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