
Introduction. The main requirements for anesthesia medication is patient’s safety and comfort, as well as controllability and quick post-anesthesia recovery. Because of the current medical funding situation and business competition, the dilemma of medical service cost became the question of interest . There is a stereotype in Ukrainian anestesiological society that inhalation anesthesia is not recommended during the short-term operations because of its high cost.Aim. Estimate the cost of sevoflurane inhalation anesthesia during maintenance of anesthesia and compare it to the cost of the intravenous anesthetic propofol solution.Patients and methods. 40 patients who under went gynecological surgery were divided into 2 groups. In group 1 (n = 20) we used sevoflurane for the maintenance of anesthesia. Anesthetic induction – propofol 1% solution. In group 2 (n = 20) a total intravenous anesthesia was conducted (using propofol 1% solution for induction and maint enance). A nalgesia – 0.005% so lution of fentanyl 1-2 mg per kg only during induction. Amount of the spent inhalation anesthetic agent was determined by weighing the evaporator. We used electronic laboratory scales TVE-12-0,2. Cost was counted according to the prices published in the Department of Health Medicine Prices Register.Results. After comparing the total cost of anesthetics that were spent during anesthesia, we concluded that there is no significant difference in cost between the groups 1 (propofol) and 2 (sevoflurane).Conclusions. Contrary to the beliefs of most doctors, there is no difference between the cost of spent anesthetic agent (sevofluran vs propofol) for operation lasting up to 30 minutes.

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