
Inguinal hernia containing uterus and endometriosis is exceedingly rare. Most inguinal endometriosis is located at an extrapelvic site near the round ligament. We report a case of a patient with inguinal hernia containing rudimentary uterine horn and endometriosis. A young, nulliparous, regularly menstruating woman manifested right inguinal mass and pain in the mass during menstruation. At 20 years old, she underwent a surgical procedure for right inguinal mass. Postoperative pathology findings demonstrated inguinal endometriosis. Based on the findings of magnetic resonance imaging, a history of inguinal endometriosis, and the occurrence of inguinal pain during menstruation, she was diagnosed as having incarcerated inguinal hernia containing anomalous uterus and endometriosis. A functioning, noncommunicating, rudimentary uterine horn and endometriosis were surgically removed from the hernia sac. Laparoscopy demonstrated intraabdominal unicornuate uterus, but no pelvic endometriosis. Functioning, incarcerated hernia uterus inguinale may be associated with müllerian abnormality and concomitant occurrence of inguinal endometriosis.

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