
Two feeding experiments were conducted to determine if Brachionus plicatilis and Artemia salina nauplii were ingested by mud crab Scylla serrata larvae. In the first experiment, larvae were fed with increasing densities of Artemia nauplii with or without Brachionus to determine consumption with increasing densities of Artemia and with increasing zoeal stage. This experiment also aimed to determine if the presence of Brachionus as an alternative prey influenced the intake of Artemia by the crab larvae. There was generally an increase in intake with increasing densities of Artemia and increased consumption of Artemia as the larvae grew. Consumption of Brachionus was consistently high in all zoeal stages. There was a significant reduction in the intake of Brachionus with increasing consumption of Artemia in the early zoeal stages (Z1, Z2, Z3), but at later stages (Z4, Z5) the intake of Artemia was no longer affected by the presence of Brachionus. In the second experiment, daily ingestion within instar of zoeal stages and megalopa were compared. There was an increased consumption of Artemia nauplii on the day before molting and increased ingestion of Brachionus on the day after larvae had molted, except at Z3. Megalopae exhibited a decline in Artemia nauplii intake on the days before metamorphosis to crablet.

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