
The use of Information Technology in the growing business dynamism has penetrated in all segments of business operations. It has seen implementation in the commercial, financial, accounting, and other departments too. In the segment of Human Resources, IT has emerged as a massive game-changer in the form of e-HRM; the automation of a wide range of routine tasks of HR professionals, enabling them to focus and develop on more innovative practices. Digitization of the day-to-day procedures like manual record maintenance, payroll, attendance etc has shifted the paradigm of competency towards intellectual efforts. This is a huge revolution in the context of international business operations as the HR managers operating there has to occupy themselves with diversified problems concerning not only skills and qualifications but also the demand of political, legal, socio-cultural and linguistic factors. Such a context of operating with cross-cultural demands require the infusion of e-HRM, its proper mapping, planning, execution and the continuality in up-gradation and modification to suit changing needs.

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