
The angiotensin-II analogue sar1-ala8- Summary angiotensin II ('Saralasin') was administered intravenously in different doses to two patients with unilateral renovascular hypertension. On a sodium intake of 100 meq., infusion of the analogue resulted in a decrease in blood-pressure by 10-20 mm. Hg, a striking sodium retention, and a fall in effective renal plasma flow. In one patient the analogue infusion was repeated after sodium depletion : blood-pressure fell to normal within 10 minutes. After corrective surgery plasma-renin activity returned to normal within 1 day, but in both patients blood-pressure reached normal values only 2-3 weeks later. These results suggest that two mechanisms are acting jointly in the maintenance of the hypertension in these two cases of unilateral renal-artery stenosis.

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