
Abstract Does ambient infrastructural quality affect foreign direct investment (FDI) in developing countries? This paper investigates how the arrival of high-speed internet in Africa triggered FDI into the region. It also explores the role of complementary infrastructure, such as access to electricity and road connectivity, in amplifying the impact of internet connectivity on investment. To causally estimate impacts, the paper exploits plausibly exogenous variations in access to high-speed internet induced by the staggered arrival of submarine fiber-optic internet cables and spatial variations in terrestrial fiber cable networks across locations on the continent. Findings from the paper indicate that access to high-speed internet induces FDI, particularly in the service sector, with the finance, technology, retail, and health services subsectors as the main beneficiaries. Access to (hard) infrastructure, such as electricity and roads, amplifies the impact of internet connectivity on FDI, thus highlighting the role of complementarities in the impact of infrastructure. Further, the results suggest that improvement in quality of governance and increased performance of incumbent firms are plausible mechanisms.

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