
In this study, we introduced micro-optical surface formation via femtosecond (fs) laser pulse scanning to chalcogenide polymer (ChP), a promising material for cost-effective infrared applications. Employing this method, we successfully fabricated a large-area poly(sulfur-random-(1,3-diisopropenylbenzene)) (S-r-DIB) microlens array (MLA) component. Each micro-concave spherical surface was crafted with a single fs laser pulse, serving as a micro-concave lens surface. We achieved a quasi-periodic MLA sample with over 2 × 105 micro-lenslets within a 10 mm × 10 mm footprint. Additionally, precise locating of laser pulse irradiation enabled us to create a hexagonal MLA with a filling factor over 37 %. Morphological investigations and imaging tests confirmed the adequate surface quality of the fabricated components, with its uniformity revealed by the virtual foci grid in near infrared region. To elucidate the forming conditions and mechanisms, we studied the evolution of surface morphology under various laser irradiation conditions. Laser induced damage thresholds of S70-r-DIB30 were experimentally determined for both 800 nm and 400 nm wavelengths under single- and multi-pulse irradiation scenarios. We identified the optimal fabrication fluence window as 115–205 mJ/cm2 with 800 nm single-pulse irradiation. The bandgap of the S70-r-DIB30 was estimated as 2.06 eV, and energy band analysis confirmed distinctions in ablation morphology. Furthermore, we investigated sub-surface morphology evolution using orthogonal ultrafast pump–probe imaging, revealing diversity compared to traditional inorganic and polymeric optical materials due to differing absorption and etching mechanisms. The elastic wave velocity of 3.2 km/s in this ChP and etching velocity of 0.7 μm/pulse were experimentally determined. These findings deepen our understanding of ChP material interaction with fs lasers, offering insights for potential applications such as surface engineering, substrate cutting, and micro-structure formation.

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