
Modern semiconductor devices are increasingly based on structure in which the electronically active channel is an electron or hole system with reduced dimensionality. The classical example is the metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistor (MOSFET) in which electrons can be confined at the semiconductor-oxide interface to form a quasi-two-dimensional electron system (2DES). Another more recently developed device is the high-electron-mobility transistor (HEMT) in which a suitable doping profile induces a 2D electron channel at the heterojunction potential barrier. The extraordinary electronic properties of such two-dimensional electron systems at interfaces are summarized in part in an extended review by Ando, Fowler and Stern1. Fig. 1 schematically pictures the band diagram in the confinement direction perpendicular to the interface for both devices. In the MOS-system (Fig. 1a) a positive gate voltage Vg is applied between the p-type semiconductor and the metal gate and causes bending of the conduction and valence bands near the semiconductor-oxide interface. The electrons are confined in a narrow potential well bounded by the oxide barrier and the conduction band edge. In the modulation doped heterojunction (Fig. 1b) n-type doping of the large gap semiconductor (e.g. AlxGa1-x As) causes electron transfer to the undoped p-type lower gap semiconductor (e.g. GaAs) with a larger electron affinity.

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