
Modern society also distinguishes itself by a large information flow that has to be selected according to one’s needs. A considerable number of researches proved that the spread of information about education is insufficiently efficient, so far the society is too little informed, and there is a lack of information about provided preschool and preprimary education services, in rural areas in particular. Therefore, parents, teachers and other groups of the society, which are either directly or indirectly related to preschool education, cannot use the opportunities provided by this link of education if they are not informed. For this reason it is important to analyse main documents on education of theRepublicofLithuania, to investigate the situation of informing the society about preschool and preprimary education in education policy implementation. The article is based on the content analysis, which generalizes the documents on education policy that regulate informing of the society about preschool and preprimary education inLithuania.The analysis of the documents on education of the Republic of Lithuania demonstrated that, informing about preschool and preprimary education, focal attention is paid to the target groups that directly participate in the child’s education processes – parents/foster parents and the staff of the education system. Only the context enables us to presume what information is forwarded to other groups of the society that indirectly participate in children’s education processes. Such situation may be influenced by the approach consolidated in the documents on education of theRepublicofLithuaniaabout preschool education as an intermediate, transitional link between the family and the school; it is sought “to prove parents and the society the efficiency and necessity of qualified children’s education”. It is likely that the lack of systematic attitude towards informing various societal groups as potential social partners about children’s education and care at the legal level will limit the possibilities both of practical creation of the informing system and its functioning.


  • The analysis of strategy for sustainable development in Lithuania discloses that there is a lack of information: both information receivers are little informed and information providers know too little about the actual needs

  • Conceptual State Policy on Children's Welfare (2003) acknowledges that the right to preschool care and education of the child whose parents work in Lithuania has been considerably limited, having closed many kindergardens and nurseries

  • The child’s preparation for school is emphasized but not family support, combining work with parents’ duties. Seeking to eliminate such situation, it is planned to pay sufficient attention to the organisation of preschool and child day care institutions. These services should be developed implementing general preprimary education and care through creation of the network of day care centres, which would be available to all preschool age and school age children, so that the schools providing preschool, preprimary and primary education are as close to the child’s home as possible

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Content analysis that generalizes documents on education policy, regulating informing of the society about preschool and preprimary education. Of the Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania (2003 06 28) defines the purpose of preschool education – “to assist the child to meet natural, cultural and ethnic, social and cognitive needs”. It indicates that preschool education takes place in the family, and if parents (foster­ parents) wish or if the institutions that are responsible for the protection of the child rights recommend, according to preschool curriculum. In preschool age the addressees of such kind of information and the users of this service are the child’s parents

Health care specialists
Proofs of efficiency
Particularity of preprimary education
Informing parents
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