
The essence, necessity and importance of public management of social security are substantiated in the article. It has been found that the active introduction of classical axioms and advanced practices of modern management, which were proved in the field of social policy of Ukraine, will qualitatively increase the level of social security, social protection and will provide an effective social insurance system. One of the new and effective directions in the management of social security is the «political network», which is quite capable to strength the quality parameters of public management of social software. Therefore, developing social and legal state will significantly increase the level of public confidence in public administration at all levels. Social problems in Ukraine have different causes and forms of manifestation. Their successful solution depends on many factors. That is why, public management of social security is expressed in its formation, development and functioning, depending on the circumstances, and should use such mechanisms as budget, credit, tax, program, administrative, organizational, legal and regular government orders. At the same time, it is important to exercise periodic control over the processes of solving social problems and social demands of the population of Ukraine. Such practice will allow to avoid a number of undesirable actions, and prevent illegal actions, anticipate existing obstacles and resolve complex issues in advance. Public management of social security should ensure high-quality informatization of the functioning of all departments, divisions and offices at the state, regional and local levels. The introduction of information technology will qualitatively improve the work of social workers and significantly increase the efficiency of their work. Creating a single electronic database including powerful software will allow to work out, to analyze, to search and organize capacious and complex arrays of information. The formation of registers and automation of work processes will save time for both employees and citizens who have applied to the social security body for help or advice. At the same time, cases of abuse and illegal actions in the social sphere of Ukraine are minimized. We should note that information technology in the public administration of social security is fully in line with the formation of a modern information society and digital economy.

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