
As one of the urgent problems of modern Kazakh linguistics, it is possible to form a theoretical and methodological basis for the field of poetic onomastics by studying the title of a work of art, names denoting the character on the part of the writer. Consideration of onyms in the language of the work, including poetonyms in cognitive orientation in ethno–cultural and ethno-linguistic integrity - onomastic units that mentally characterize the surrounding reality, serves as a basis for maximum refinement of the experience of cognition accumulated on the scale of "language-consciousness-nation".The language of fiction occupies a special place in the language of a certain nation. That is, the literary language plays a huge role in the development and formation of the national language. The fact that linguistic means are factual material for the formation of a literary language considers their independent need for individual author's use as an aesthetic category.The scientific article tells that onomastic units in a work of art are not only the result of artistic thinking of a native speaker, but also ethno-cultural and linguistic symbols covering all spheres of life of the nation. In addition, the features of the titles are illustrated by the plot of the work, the meaningful idea, the world of artistic images, the language of the hero and the truce of the hero. Thus pointing out that under the name of each hero lie age-old worldviews, national identity, national character, national traditions, linguistic phenomena arising from national beliefs, the authors note that they are linguocultural in nature, as well as differentiation of the specifics of the use of names in a work of fiction and clarification of nominal properties are part of the definition of language expression and culture.

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