
Men have been defined as political or economic animals, apparently conflicting descriptions in terms of so-called liberal or socialist theories. We cannot forget, however, that men are moved by different and complex metaphysical beliefs. In matters concerning philosophical speculation or knowledge (ethics, esthetics, psychology and religion as well as codes of morals or behaviour to be put in practice), human beings we know don’t care only about the material side of their lives. They fear death; they feel lonely; they want easy explanations for the flood of phenomena surrounding them. They don’t just do things, but they also think and feel. No definition of man can be complete, but we can consider doing and thinking and feeling of human physical and mental actions — how men act regarding their material and psychic needs, and what they think of the meaning of man and his origins, his life and possible existence hereafter. When men act to modify their environment by perfecting technological means, we see this as the civilized side of men. In this case of course they are concerned about their lives on Earth.

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