
Mouse string pulling, in which a mouse reels in a string with hand-over-hand movements, can provide insights into skilled motor behavior, neurological status, and cognitive function. The task involves two oscillatory movements connected by a string. The snout oscillates to track the pendulum movement of the string produced by hand-over-hand oscillations of pulling, and so the snout guides the hands to grasp the string. The present study examines the allocation of time required to pull strings of varying diameter. Movement is also described with end-point measures, string-pulling topography with 2D markerless pose estimates based on transfer learning with deep neural networks, and Mat-lab image-segmentation and heuristic algorithms for object tracking. With reduced string diameter, mice took longer to pull 60 cm long strings. They also made more pulling cycles, misses, and mouth engagements, and displayed changes in the amplitude and frequency of pull cycles. The time measures agree with Fitts’s law in showing that increased task difficulty slows behavior and engages multiple compensatory sensorimotor modalities. The analysis reveals that time is a valuable resource in skilled motor behavior and information-theory can serve as a measure of its effective use.

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