
Introduction: Currently, we witness an explosive growth in the amount of information produced by humanity. This raises new fundamental problems of its efficient storage and processing. Commonly used magnetic, optical, and semiconductor information storage devices have several drawbacks related to small information density and limited durability. One of the promising novel approaches to solving these problems is DNA-based data storage. Purpose: An overview of modern DNA-based storage systems and related information-theoretic problems. Results: The current state of the art of DNA-based storage systems is reviewed. Types of errors occurring in them as well as corresponding error-correcting codes are analized. The disadvantages of these codes are shown, and possible pathways for improvement are mentioned. Proposed information-theoretic models of DNA-based storage systems are analyzed, and their limitation highlighted. In conclusion, main obstacles to practical implementation of DNA-based storage systems are formulated, which can be potentially overcome using information-theoretic methods considered in this overview.

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