
It is discussed the use of an integrated index of quality in the planning of management the quality in projects of urban passenger transport in the article. It is shown some results of our research in this area. The main purpose of the study is to develop a method for determining the complex index of quality in creating a trip route in the projects of urban passenger transport. Using of statistical methods to assess complex objects allows taking into account the interests of both carriers and passengers in the developing urban transport projects. In this article, it is discussed a way to assess the quality of the urban passenger transport services by defining a comprehensive index of quality. The results of processing of field studies have allowed establishing the importance of quality index for passengers in the trip route. It is valued individual index of the quality of routing trip elements. The developed method of determining the complex index of quality in the projects of urban public transport is based on the subjective assessment of passengers, and includes the determination of individual quality index: the pedestrian component of movement, waiting time, travel time, dynamic utilization of capacity in creating the route for the trip. This makes it possible to assess the various options for urban transport projects in the interests of transport companies and passengers. The research results can be applied to project management specialists in the field of passenger transportation in the city reported.

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