
The subject matter of this article is the process of forming a company's development finance program. The goal is to develop the information technology to determine the company's financial condition for the financial planning subsystem of an enterprise performance management (EPM) System. The tasks are to develop a method for forming a company's development finance program as the basis for the financial planning subsystem of the EPM system; develop a methodology of determining the financial condition of the company as a component of the method; develop an information technology (IT) for determining the company’s financial condition; develop a method for forecasting financial states on the strategic period using a neural network. The following results were obtained. The method for forming a company's development finance program is implemented as the financial planning subsystem for the EPM system. A methodology for determining the financial condition of a company as a component of this method is presented in this article. Information technology for the implementation of this methodology has been developed. The components of the IT are the calculation of financial indicators based on data from financial statements for a certain period; the analysis of return on equity; the determination of the company financial stability; the determination of the financial condition in dynamics; the forecasting of the company's financial condition for the strategic period; the formation of development strategies for forecasting financial condition. The method for forecasting financial states in the strategic period was implemented using a neural network with the Temporal Fusion Transformer architecture. Conclusions. The scientific novelty of the results obtained is as follows: 1) the stages of the process of forming a company's development finance program were improved by methodology for determining the financial condition of the company, by model for determining the rational ratio of own and borrowed funds, by technology for selecting possible sources of financing development projects, by method for determining investment project financing schemes;2) methodology for determining the financial condition of the company was further developed by including a component for predicting financial indicators using a neural network; 3) the company's financial condition module for EPM System was further developed by IT implementation, which implements the assessment and forecast of the company's financial condition is carried out and the financial strategy of the company's development is formed.

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